- Stay Fearless or Die Trying
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- 26 Fearless Life Lessons
26 Fearless Life Lessons
26 Things I’ve Learned By 26
Tomorrow is my 26th birthday and I thought I’d tell you 26 things I hope you learn sooner than I did! Thanks for following the fearless journey!
Note from Alexa:
It’s been an emotional week for many including myself and the Be Fearless team. The Be Fearless team and myself (my dad is Jewish and I am so proud of my heritage) are sickened to see what’s happening and do not stand for hate or violence. We as a company are doing what we can to educate our fearless audience about these tragic events and make young people aware of how they can use their voice to help spread awareness.

26 fearless things I’ve learned in my 26 years.
I asked the Twitter world what they wish they knew in their 20s and I loved these responses.

Did you like your 20s or 30s more? |

You aren’t defined by your career. You’re defined by the person you are and the relationships you have. A career can be fleeting but your personal relationships AND the relationship you have with yourself will always be there.
If you’re having a mental breakdown, go for a run. I’ve had many breakdowns throughout my 26 years and the one thing that picks me back up is moving my body. Dale Carnegie swears by this tactic and if he AND me believe it, you better believe it!
Closure doesn’t exist.
Friendships will come to an end and all you need to ask yourself is whether this person is worth fighting for?
If someone is worth fighting for, fight for them. If they’re not, let them go. Your intuition will tell you everything you need to know.
Money ebbs and flows.
Just because your friends don’t like your boyfriend doesn’t mean you shouldn’t like him.
A lot of people will walk away from relationships because they’re too scared of how good it’s going. This is why you shouldn’t blame yourself when a relationship ends.
Don’t move out at 16 like I did.
Spend more time in Europe. The culture and people will remind you that American hustle culture is not healthy.
You are waiting on one yes at any given time that will change your life.
Airline credit cards aren’t worth the hassle for the points unless you fly that airline and only that airline.
You can get anything for free if you ask.
Spend money on the things that make you happy. Maybe that’s your coffee, or your hair, or your handbag. For me it’s airline tickets and home decor! Spending $6 on a latte isn’t going to make or break your progress building wealth. Chill.
Don’t discuss money with your inner circle unless you’re being asked for advice.
Dating in your 20s is not worth the time and effort. Stop seeking a person out and let them come to you.
Someone who is telling you that you’re too much simply isn’t enough.
A lot of people have drinking problems. That doesn’t mean you need to drink with them to keep up with their habits.
I don’t think people need scales in their bathrooms unless they’re trying to lose weight or have a health condition.
You don’t need many close friends but everyone should know who you are.
You don’t need to retaliate just because someone f’ed you over. Let that shit go.
Every elevator you get into may be an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to someone who can change your life. Stop leaving the house unprepared.
Get your elevator pitch down now.
Eat more chocolate.
Read more books.
Stop with the white lies. You know why you don’t want to go out tonight, just tell your friends. Otherwise they ain’t your friends, girlfriend.
Refer your friends as my birthday gift, pretty please!

Stay fearless or die trying,
Alexa (your old friend)
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